

Created by Max Boost

NEW GOLD BOOK! Please consider supporting us by adding to your order (no extra shipping fees)! Limited availability. Ends Today. TO ORDER Add the items you wish to receive, then use the same name, shipping address, and email you used in your BackerKit survey so we can easily combine your orders into one!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Orders are Shipping!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 12:09:13 PM

Hello Max Boost Family!

We’re happy to see many of you posting images of your newly received Max Boost Omnibus and H is for Honda books!

And yes, we realize there are still orders that are not yet shipped (in particular International Orders)

We are doing everything possible to push the warehouse and shipping company to ship the final open orders as soon as possible.

Please note, the warehouse DID close down due to inclement weather during the Holiday so it did back up some orders.

We’re getting there!  Thank you for your patience, and we hope they ship your order soon!

-Dennis and the Max Boost Crew

$1500 Backer Level - "The Secret 7"!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 12:30:28 AM


Hello to our BIGGEST BACKERS for the Max Boost Omnibus!

I just wanted to take a moment and THANK YOU for choosing the "Micheal Bush" level reward at $1500.  You did so WITHOUT KNOWING what you were going to get, so I appreciate your support (and blind courage)!

This reward level was actually supposed to be kinda a joke between myself and Micheal Bush and the gang, and I did NOT think anyone was going to go for it - but alas, SEVEN OF Y'ALL DID!  .

THE SECRET 7: Micheal, Mike, Kevin, Angel, Henry, Tim and Long  - YA CRAZEE MOFOS!

So, now I gotta come through on my end of the bargain!

125 POUNDS OF MERCH? As you may now know, in your first shipemnt, you will be receiving A TON of merch.  In actuality, you are receiving much more than $1500 worth of goodies!  I believe* it's about 125 POUNDS OF MAX BOOST MERCH.  So ya got a big SCORE!  And that's not all...

SECRET 7 PACKAGE: I will be sending you a  SEPERATE PACKAGE that is DIFFERENT than the ones you are recieving from our warehouse.  It will include a "Secret 7" bonus that is NOT available anywhere else.  And yes, you will love it.  I promise it's pretty damn collectible, and SUPER DURPA RARE AF.  And, each person might get something different!  We'll be sending those out late January/Feb latest, so we'll let you know when they ship via email.

Otherwise, enjoy your massive order, and know you have a VERY SPECIAL PLACE in our Max Boost community F-O-R-E-V-E-R.  

Thank you again, for being as crazy as us, and we can't wait to see what you think about what's comin your way...


-Dennis Caco

Max Boost!

over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 10:31:44 AM



And we're friggin' EXCITED!  AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I am currently at the SEMA SHOW in Las Vegas when I got the GOOD NEWS!

We are currently in the inventory recieving process, and will be shipping out the orders in batches as soon as we can!  THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE!  We can't wait until you receive them!

HAVE YOU MOVED? REVIEW and UPDATE SHIPPING ADDRESS (only edit it, if necessary):

  • Visit this link -> 
  • Enter the email address you used to pledge for this campaign
  • *Confirm the email address here, if you need to - 
  • Click "Get My Survey"
  • Check your mailbox for an email from BackerKit with a link to review your survey (it may be in spam/junk mail)
  • Click the link to visit your survey page
  • Click "Edit Your Address" in the upper right corner
  • Review your address in the upper left corner, under "Shipping Info"
  •  If the address is correct, there's nothing else to do.  Please close the window.
  •  If the address is not correct, click "Edit Shipping Info", enter the correct address, and make sure to click the green "NEXT" button
  • When the next page opens, click "Place My Order" and you're done

To make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to see this email and check the address, we will also send everyone an email with similar instructions.

Having trouble?  Can't find your review email?  Can't change something?  Please reach out to us via [email protected] and we will help you out


It has been an incredible show  so far!  We're here working hard on the Max Boost dream!

Have you seen the CSF x Max Boost Collab?  The BOOTH IS EPIC!  I have never seen my Max Boost artwork so big before. (Check out @csfradiators on IG!)

Thank you to all the friends and Max Boost fam that have come out.  It's great to have William, Carl, Doss, Renae, Zoe, and Aiden!



We’re proud to announce that Max Boost is BACK IN PRINT with DSPORT Magazine! I invite you to subscribe to DSPORT, as we REMASTER the original issues and publish them monthly in the magazine!  We’ll have a few surprises, so even if you read every issue of Max Boost in the past, you STILL want to subscribe!   

WE DID IT!!! Max Boost is BACK!!!! LFG!!!!


For special discount use code at checkout: 

CODE: “MaxBoost1” for 1 year, only $25 (Normally $45)

CODE: “MaxBoost2” for 2 years, only $45 (Normally $79)



Thank YOU for everything!  You've helped reignite my passion for Max Boost, and encouraged me to never give up on my dreams.  I know Max Boost will play a huge role in entertainment the future, and YOU are the fuel for the fire.  THANK YOU.

Special thanks to my team and fam - Marat, Sam & Angela, Veej, Micheal, Mike, & Ernesto the Greato Photographo.

And a HUGE THANK YOU to CSF Radiators, the Art of Attack and RSFuture crew, and Mike Burroughs from Stanceworks for being a part of this collab!

I'm currently in the hotel and I've got to get back to SEMA, so I'll bring more updates later!

Keep Boostin'!

-Dennis Caco!

SEMA and MAX BOOST BOOKS are COMING - Please Verify your Address
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 06:53:52 AM

Dear Max Boosters!


If you haven’t heard, Dennis Caco (creator of Max Boost) is headed to SEMA to do an autograph session and giveaway  BRAND NEW (4 Foot Wide)  SEMA EXCLUSIVE MAX BOOST GARAGE BANNERS ($50 value) to the first 100 People at the CSF Cooling Booth (#21309) on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 11 AM!  If you are a Max Boost fan, you need to come out!

Also, he will have a copy of the new Max Boost Omnibus Book (in GOLD too), as well as the H is for Honda Book Prototype for you to check out for yourself!

Rumor has it, Dennis might* do some free quick sketches like he did at the Honda Booth previously, and give away more Max Boost swag to those who come!

See you at SEMA!


FINALLY!  Can it be?!  After 4 LONG WEEKS after arriving in port, the vessel with Max Boost books is finally unloading!!!

(Imagine what it's like for those on board to sit at anchor for a month minutes away from the city?!  Yikes!)

It will still take some time to transport it to the warehouse, and prepare it all for shipping, but hey, they are finally off that damn boat.  (If they took any longer, we were going to send Yin, Yang and Wok out there to show them a thing or two about a thing or two!!!)

However, this is a BIG milestone.  Yay!

As we are preparing, we realize that some of you may have moved and we wanted to give you all an opportunity to review your shipping addresses

Here's how you can verify your SHIPPING ADDRESS (only edit it, if necessary):

  • Visit this link -> 
  • Enter the email address you used to pledge for this campaign
  • *Confirm the email address here, if you need to - 
  • Click "Get My Survey"
  • Check your mailbox for an email from BackerKit with a link to review your survey (it may be in spam/junk mail)
  • Click the link to visit your survey page
  • Click "Edit Your Address" in the upper right corner
  • Review your address in the upper left corner, under "Shipping Info"
  •  If the address is correct, there's nothing else to do.  Please close the window.
  •  If the address is not correct, click "Edit Shipping Info", enter the correct address, and make sure to click the green "NEXT" button
  • When the next page opens, click "Place My Order" and you're done

To make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to see this email and check the address, we will also send everyone an email with similar instructions.

Having trouble?  Can't find your review email?  Can't change something?  Please reach out to us via [email protected] and we will help you out

We are getting ever so close, thank you for your patience

-Dennis, Marat, and the Max Boost Crew

Bad news, and good news...
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 05:25:28 PM


Even the books have been finished printing for months now - we still don’t have them yet!

We were supposed to start shipping already!!!!!  :insert max face:

All ports in the USA, both on the west coast and east coast are hit with major delays, and this is affecting the Max Boost Omnibus ship dates.

We’ve been waiting to make an update when we had good news, but unfortunately the shipping company is still being delayed at the NYC port.  The original arrival date for the Books to our warehouse was Sept 18, and we *should have had all the orders shipped by now.  (Grrrrrrrrrr!)

But apparently, we are at the mercy of the shipping company and we have been waiting for confirmation for the docking date. At the moment, the books have been on the shipping vessel, ½ mile off shore, awaiting port for weeks now. Apparently the schedule at port is about 1 month BEHIND and our ship will port around October 15, now (WHAT?!)

It’s crazy frustrating, and we apologize for even more delays that we did not anticipate.  I guess the only comfort is knowing that this is a nationwide issue across ALL industries, so we’re not alone. :/

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I appreciate your patience and understanding.  IF you’re “at your limit”, always remember to feel free and contact us for a refund if you need.

We’re almost there, and yeah, we feel a bit helpless (you probably feel the same).  As soon as the books are unloaded and delivered to the warehouse, we will let you know. We are ready to work as quickly as possible to expedite the intake and shipments of each order when they arrive.

Thank you for your support, and partnership - we don’t take it lightly.   


:sigh: Atleast I have some good news to share (or atleast a teaser!)  We aren't ready to make an official announcement yet, but we're working on a potential partnership to have Max Boost back in print publication!  Wait, what? YES!   

More updates to come!!!

:crosses fingers:

-Dennis, Marat, and the Max Boost Crew