

Created by Max Boost

NEW GOLD BOOK! Please consider supporting us by adding to your order (no extra shipping fees)! Limited availability. Ends Today. TO ORDER Add the items you wish to receive, then use the same name, shipping address, and email you used in your BackerKit survey so we can easily combine your orders into one!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Woohoo! Stretch Goals Achieved & 500+ backers!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 11:15:45 AM

Whew, it’s been an amazing start!

Thank you to everyone who has supported this dream!  Over 500 of you have already backed this project, at over $45,000 in pledges!  Sooooo, do you know what that means?  We achieved some stretch goals!!!!

  • $15,000 6 NEW Pages of  Max Boost Comics! - ACHIEVED!
  • $25,000 10 NEW Pages of  Max Boost Comics! - ACHIEVED!
  • $35,000 1 MORE additional Backer will be have a cameo in the book - ACHIEVED!
  • $50,000 1 x Bonus Item for all Book Backers *Woo hoo!* : ←- OUR NEXT GOAL

What do you want as a “Bonus Item” if we hit $50,000 in pledges?


Micheal Bush' S2000 and Civic Type R that I drove at Global Time Attack last weekend! Micheal (TrackspecDD), Ernie (Mr.Menu), Dennis and Chris from RTuned.

Also, if you haven’t seen it on social media, I traveled to compete in Global Time Attack in Washington at The Ridge Motorsports Park.  It was an AMAZING week where I was able to drive a S2000 and Civic Type R owned by our #1 Max Boost Fan, Micheal Bush of @TrackspecDD!!!  What a dream!


Believe it or not, our data shows that sharing our on social actually does help our campaign grow!  When we hit $50,000 in pledges, YOU will be getting another FREE bonus gift with your book order!

Here's how you can help:

1) When you share, can you please write a caption about “What you love about Max Boost?” and TAG US so we can read it?  Facebook: @max boost  IG: @maxboostcomic #maxboostcomic  #maxboost

2) Easy Facebook Share:  Just click this link right here ---> SHARE ON FACEBOOK

3) Easy Twitter Share:  Just click this link right here ---> SHARE ON TWITTER!

4) Easy Pinterest Share:  Just click this link right here ---> SHARE ON PINTEREST

5) Or share one of these nifty images:

THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!  We have only 9 days to go!!!

Keep Boostin’!

Dennis Caco

Incredible START!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 11:14:42 AM

Well, that was one crazy launch!!!!!

THANK YOU to everyone who supported Max Boost, helping us smash our expectations by raising over $25,000 in pledges on the FIRST DAY!!!!

I can't tell you how grateful I am to all of you.  You have all supported a dream for me to draw Max Boost again, and putting some serious fire to this rocketship!

Also, a special THANK YOU to the crazy guys Micheal Bush, Mike Servin, Lun Li, Henri Kong, Jesse Venegas, and Sergio for choosing the $1500 PLEDGE LEVEL!!!  WHAT?!!  You guys are incredible, and your support is immeasurable!

How can you help?  PLEASE SHARE on SOCIALS! :)


Did I say your name in the video?  in case you didn't know, we launched on Max Boost Monday LIVESTREAM on YouTube yesterday, and I even said the names of every backer who supported the project in the first 2 hours (check out the video in case you missed it!)

Alrighty, we have 10 days left in this adventure!  Let's see how far we can goooooooooo